inspiring pictures taken from All Things Bohemian at Pinterest, love this whole vibe from clothes to jewelry to VW bus, I think I may have been a little bit of a hippie in a past life lol. My pieces surely are inspired by bohemian, hippie, rocker vibe...
watched a great inspiring video from Marie Forleo TV, she interviewed Spirit Junkie Gabrielle Bernstein about Manifestation. Manifesting what you truly want in life, I have been going down this spiritual path for about a month now, while also reading "Wishes Fulfilled" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, but this video will help you get started, and bring you onto your own path of manifesting... so far for me its been a little tricky but as I come more into my truth, I do see the miracles happening, small ones but big enough for me to notice, staying in the momentum everyday is the tricky part, so I practice everyday, spirituality is a practice and it takes time to stand in your truth and stay I hope you find this video as inspiring as I did, and I hope it helps you manifest your sweetest life :)
sometimes working from home can get well a little less motivating, especially when its rainy stormy day...I need some creative juices flowing so I played around with my camera, taking pictures and playing around on a free editing photo program called picmonkey. Its pretty cool and FREE! doesn't take the place of a professional talented photographer like my friend Rosie from Fotocouture BUT its fun just to play around with :)
truly inspired by designer Spell and Gypsy Collection, here are some photos from theirTumblirpage, I couldn't resist the talent and beautiful inspiring photos